You Know How It Seems Hard To Change Our Lifestyle Habits For Better Health and Wellness?

You probably know the main problem isn’t the desire to change, right?

Every person I’ve worked with over the last decade and a half wants to change. They have the desire.

We’ve all got a lot of that, don’t we?

Deep down inside, you know the main problem is how deeply ingrained our current habits are, don't you?

⚠️Before you go any further on this page, you and I both know that some people love knowing the hows, the whats, and the whys things work. 🙋‍♀️

If that's you read on. Information, understanding and awareness awaits you.

You and I both also know that some people just want to know if it'll work for them. 🙌

Neurologically, we’re wired to stay the same, and it’s made change really difficult, hasn’t it?

And you and I both know that the result of this habitual wiring is keeping us stuck. Stuck with habits that we don’t want or don’t help us get what we want. Stuck in our anxiety and overwhelm. Stuck in dis-ease and illness.

Easily discover the best way for us to work together.

Personally And Professionally I’m Stuck On The Idea That It’s Time For A Change, Isn’t It?


Wouldn’t it be amazing if your new, healthy habits came easily and naturally to you?

How incredible would it be to wake up every day, knowing exactly what the best thing for you is to do or think or say, so that you can make the most out of the time you’ve been given today?

What would it feel like to finally see and experience the benefits of all your new habits, actually making a positive difference in your physical, emotional, and mental well-being?

What would be possible for you? Your family? Your community? The world at large?

What could you contribute if you were taking care of your urself in a way that was sustainable and fun?

My name is Dr. Tonia Winchester

I’m a Naturopathic Doctor and Mind-Body Healing Coach.

I’ve been in the healing, health, and wellness space for 17 plus years.

What this really means is that I’ve been in the habit changing game for a looooooooooooooooooong time.

I’m dedicated to making your change easy. I know when we change our minds, we can change our lives. And I know it's possible to change your mind easily, and you can, can't you?

Over the years I’ve learned what exactly is blocking us from changing our habits for good, and most importantly keeping those habits for good.

I’ve also learned and mastered how to unblock what’s been keeping you stuck, so that you can successfully and joyfully enjoy the benefits of a healthy body and mind now.

I am committed to helping every day folks who are stuck in the cycle of stress, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, and/or irritability to break through all of that.

As a result they calm their minds, sleep deeply, and find joy and energy so that they can create exceptional lives for themselves, their families, and their communities.

They are bright, alive, energetic, passionate, creative, authentic, revitalized, reenergized, and reinvigorated, all while being calm, peaceful, and clear in their hearts and minds.

They have fun.

They experience pleasure and excitement. They are curious and engaged in life.

They make the world a better place simply by being themselves

So if any or all of that looks, sounds, or feels intriguing to you, I’m asking for your commitment.

Can You Commit to a NEW WAY of Approaching Health and Wellness?

Can you commit to suspending disbelief

and committing to that new way now?

If so, then let’s dance. 💃

Let’s do this thing.

I proudly do things differently from conventional medicine and frankly even from my Naturopathic colleagues. While I deeply believe in…


  • The Intelligence of NATURE'S REMEDIES before synthetic medications

  • Eliminating or decreasing exposure to toxins

  • CHANGING OUR HABITS to transform and maintain our health...

...I believe FIRST in the power of

our minds to heal us.

I also Believe That Our Bodies:

KNOW How to Heal,
WANT to Heal,
And CAN Heal.

We just need to put it back into healing mode, and we can, can’t we?

All seem good so Far? Consider...

The Main Ideas of Naturopathic Medicine:

You see, I’ve learned over the years that there is a therapeutic order to healing.

I’ve tried to bypass it and give people quick fixes in the past. Those folks ended up spending more precious time, energy, and money to stay stuck in the same problem. That frustrated both of us. They had a desire to be well, and I had a desire to help them do that.

But when I respect the way the body is designed to heal (starting at the mental level has this beautiful downstream effect on the physical and biochemical levels) people don’t need to make appointments anymore.

They’re good to go.

The lil birdies leave the therapeutic nest because they’re able to fly on their own.

They’ve re-accessed agency over their own well being and I LOVE it when that’s true.

This Therapeutic Ordered Approach Has a

Number of Noticeable Benefits:

  • You move on from the pain of the past. Like really move on from it. You’re no longer triggered, angered, resentful, hurt, scared, guilty, ashamed.

  • You put it all behind you and all without talk therapy (brain-base coaching work is “content-free.”)

  • Your nervous system calms down. You spend less time in fight or flight and MORE time in REST, DIGEST, and HEAL mode.

  • You go from stuck and repeating the same thing over and over to new, refreshed, exciting ideas, and achievable plans for the future.

  • You decrease the need for drugs - both pharmaceuticals and even natural remedies.**

  • You spend less money on testing. Symptoms are already resolving. Change is underway.

  • You get better quicker. Easier. More efficiently.

** More and more I see what I’m calling, “Supplement Fatigue.” People don’t want to be taking a million remedies. And maybe that’s you. Maybe you’re looking for a way to transform your health with out the need to build an extra closet for all your supplements.

Here is My Favourite order for

us to work together:

⭐⭐⭐Please note... if you ONLY want to speak Specifically about nutrition, lifestyle habits, Medical testing, Supplements and remedies, please book a new patient Appointment.

1. Read My Book.

This is best way to discover how I’m equipped to help you. It will show you what you need to be thinking about health and healing if you’re truly wanting to be well. This book is not just for people with insomnia. It's for the stressed, the anxious, the overwhelmed, the burned out and the fatigued. It's for the people who are stuck and don't want to be stuck anymore!!

You’ll also find out if where you’re at and what you’re wanting is a good fit for how I love to help.

2. Book a Mind-Body Healing Session

Your physical wellness will SUSTAINABLY improve by leaps and bounds when we work FROM the mental / emotional levels DOWN into the physical / biochemical levels. I have two starter options which invite you to experience the benefits of this type of work from a single session. I recommend booking in as a client for one of these before booking as a new patient. Click on the images below to learn more about each one.


If you're you're ready to breakthrough your anxiety, burnout, insomnia... once and for all with out talk therapy or medications, then click the image to learn more.

This is your rapid path to break through overwhelm, stress, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, irritability and create peace, joy and energy.

In just a few weeks this coaching program can take you from being stuck to enjoying the present moment with yourself and your loved ones and moving towards a compelling FUTURE. We do this by using gentle mind-body healing techniques that clear the pain of the past, reprogram your unconscious mind, so you're primed to go back in to healing mode and create the life of your dreams.

It’s also my happy place as a practitioner and healer; I’m at my best when I’m working with these committed clients. We meet 2-4 hours per week for 3-4 weeks, quickly and easily transforming your old stuck neural pathways into helpful, positive ones so that you’re primed to create exactly what you’re wanting in your health and your life.

There is an application process involving a form to fill out and a video conversation. Learn more by clicking the image below.

4. Get Ongoing Support

For certain clients I offer ongoing coaching support after they have completed a breakthrough.

This could involve more mind-body coaching work (and I hope it does) and it could also involve more lifestyle crafting and habit building, and even natural remedies.

Something it’s best you know about me… I’m a very practical person. I like things that work.

What I’ve observed over the years as a naturopathic doctor is that despite someone’s best intentions, and despite me putting together the perfect plan for them to reach their goals, they would inevitably come back to me and say, “Eating my broccoli is hard,” — a metaphor of course for what ever the self care thing is that they needed to implement and maintain to achieve their desired health outcome.

Simply putting a plan together doesn’t work every time for everybody. People get in their own way. Things come up. Life happens. And they put themselves at the bottom of the care-taking list. I know because I’ve been there too!

Naturopathic medicine is a lifestyle medicine, and for it to be effective one has to be willing, able, and committed to change their habits.

Good, healthy habits become easy to start and continue when the unconscious mind is set up for that. I keep witnessing this as long-term patients become coaching clients.

Suddenly after their breakthrough they’re actually eating, moving, resting, sleeping, and taking care of themselves in the way that they’ve been talking about for years.

They’re doing the things I’ve been suggesting (and they know they should be doing) for years.

And because they are finally committed and consistent they’re getting benefits. RESULTS. They’re happier, more energetic, calmer, kinder, releasing weight, out of pain.

You’ll get the best results from working with me if you have a strong sense of WHY you want to be well. Also you:

  • Show up as yourself, ready to be honest

  • Are accountable for yourself and your actions

  • Take responsibility for your mind, your health and your life

  • Believe in the healing power of nature and most importantly your mind

  • Don’t want to rely on drugs or even natural remedies to bury your symptoms, but strive to understand and heal the root cause(s) of why your are sick

  • Find yourself insatiably curious and open minded

  • Don’t necessarily know a darn thing about health, or well-being but are willing to learn

  • Commit to making changes even if they seem scary or foreign

  • Comply with my recommendations, or bring up where you’re struggling so we can trouble shoot together, in therapeutic partnership.

  • Appreciate some goofiness, in spite of it all - enjoy a good laugh, even at yourself.

So... If you're the type of person who is

ready for deep and enduring positive changes

in your health and your life then...

Remember: You Can Let The Change You're Seeking Be EASY.

Your First Step Is SIMPLE:

1. Read this Book.

This is best way to discover how I’m equipped to help you. It will show you what you need to be thinking about health and healing if you’re truly wanting to be well. You’ll also find out if where you’re at and what you’re wanting is a good fit for how I love to help.

I look forward to helping you transform your pain and stuckness

into LOVE, JOY and HEALTH!

May you choose to make all your dreams come true.

🧠💗💫 Dr. Tonia Winchester, NLP, ND

Naturopathic Doctor

Master Neurolinguistic Coach & Practitioner

Mind-Body Healing Coach


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