As s Naturopathic Doctor and Mind-Body Healing Coach...

...I love helping people nutrify and detoxify their bodies and minds so that they can reach their highest potential of wellness and WELL-BEING in their lives.

🧠💗💫Dr. Tonia Winchester, ND, NLP

Naturopathic Doctor, Certified IV Therapist

The formula for health is simple:


As much as I endorse positive habit building for long-term, sustainable health benefits...

I also realize that Sometimes we need a very direct approach.

And that's why I 💗 Naturopathic Injection Therapies

for quick physiological wins!

We can by-pass the Gut

and Deliver Nutrients to the cells and tissues on a silver platter.


BELOW is a menu of the four injections I'm offering at KNEAD in Nanaimo.

***Please note all new (or returning after 1 year) patients require a 30 minute consultation before injections can be administered.

***Some Injection Therapies also available at Matraea Centre in Duncan



When you might want (or need) one:

  • This 45 minute IV nutrient therapy includes Vitamin C, Magnesium, Calcium, other trace minerals, a full set of B-Vitamins with an emphasis on B5, B6, and B12.

  • Replenish any of the nutrients listed above

  • Digestive disturbances that prevent nutrient absorption (IBS, IBD)

  • Low energy, mood, burnout

  • Adrenal insufficiency, stress

  • Immune imbalance, such as allergies or chronic infections

  • Low metabolic function or rate

  • Chronic or persistent pain

  • Bring a book and relax as you get nutrients delivered to directly to your cells via the blood stream

  • Learn more by clicking here.



When you might want (or need) one:

B12 Injection:

  • This quick intramuscular (deltoid) injection is great for those who want direct dose of B12

  • As we age our digestive system changes and it becomes harder and harder to absorb enough B12 from our diets, especially if our diets are entirely or mostly plant based.

  • Great for vegans and vegetarians.

  • Low energy, mood

  • Blood deficiencies

B Complex Injection:

  • This quick IM (gluteal) injection is great for those who want a hearty dose of helpful B Vitamins

  • It includes a full compliment of B's with an emphasis on B5, B6, and B12.

  • Replenish any of the nutrients listed above

  • Helpful for what B12 offers plus, stress relief, and low metabolic function



When you might want (or need) one:

  • These injections can be used for any kind of pain syndrome anywhere in the body.

  • They are natural combination remedies that drive nutrients and oxygen to target tissues to enable that basis of health: NUTRIENTS IN and WASTES OUT.

  • Whether it's acute, chronic or persistent this therapy makes a swift difference.

  • Usually immediately we see decreased pain, more comfort, better range of motion and restored function.

  • Patients who have been struggling for years, decades are finally discovering relief in as little as one treatment (a typical course of treatment is 4-8 sessions)

  • This therapy goes just into the top layer of the skin and the blood vessels carry the remedies to where the body is aching (literally) to heal

  • This is how you can get back to the things in in life that light you up.

  • Learn more by clicking here.


1. What are injection therapies in naturopathic medicine, and how do they work?

There are several different types of naturopathic injection therapies. The types can be based on remedies and/or the style of injection.

At Knead I offer two main types of remedy injections: 

ONE: nutrients 

TWO: tissue repair and

Three styles of injections:

ONE: subcutaneous (into the most superficial layers of the skin)

TWO: intramuscular (deep into a muscle belly)
THREE: intravenous (directly into a vein in the arm or hand)

The benefits of injection therapy over other naturopathic treatments is the ability to deliver nutrients and remedies directly into the blood stream so they can quickly get to the target tissues and deliver the nutrients and remedies precisely to the cells.

2. What conditions or health issues can be treated or managed with injection therapies?

Both acute and chronic conditions can be supported by naturopathic injection therapies.

Nutrient injections are helpful for any health issue or lifestyle choice where nutrient deficiency is present or implicated: 

  • vegans and vegetarians are often B12 deficient

  • digestive concerns: irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis), ulcers, cramping, diarrhea, constipation, bloating.

  • In these situations nutrient absorption is compromised so we can bypass the digestive system and get nutrients into the bloodstream without relying on the digestive absorption.  

  • pernicious anemia

  • iron deficiency

  • poor diet

  • low energy

  • poor concentration, focus

  • immune imbalance (allergies, chronic or recurring infections, autoimmune illness)

  • metabolic imbalances (thyroid health, cardiovascular disease, weight gain or inability to release weight, diabetes)

  • adrenal insufficiency (burnout, stress)

  • chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia

  • chronic or persistent pain syndromes 

  • asthma

  • migraines,

  • headaches

  • athletic performance

    Tissue repair aka musculoskeletal repair aka biopuncture therapy is used for any type of pain syndrome anywhere in the body, whether it’s acute, chronic, persistent, due to an illness or injury, even ones from decades ago.

3. Are injection therapies Safe? What qualifications and training should patients look for when choosing a naturopathic practitioner for injection therapies?

Yes when delivered by a naturopathic doctor with the proper certifications, like I have. They have to be certified to do IV and injection therapies by the College of Naturopathic Physicians of BC.

To maintain this certification we must keep up to date certifications in specialized first aid training called Naturopathic Advanced Life Support.

Each patient is screened thoroughly for contraindications and safety.

4. What types of substances are commonly used in naturopathic injection therapies?

Nutrient injections:

  • B12 injection - intramuscular B12 (methylcobalamin), administered into shoulder (deltoid) muscle

  • B Complex - intramuscular complex of B Vitamins, special emphasis on B5 (dexapanthenol), B6 (pyridoxine), B12 (methylcobalamin), and smaller amounts of B1, 2, and 3, administered into gluteal muscle

  • Myer’s Cocktail - intravenous Vitamin C, B Complex, B12, B5, B6, magnesium, calcium, taurine, trace minerals such as selenium and zinc.

    Musculoskeletal repair injections are composed of natural herbs and substances to promote healing of specific tissues and often included is a local anesthetic called procaine which interrupts the pain cycle for a few minutes to decrease pain while the remedies move to the tissues to start or continue the healing process.

5. Are injection therapies painful?

Pain is relative. Most people will have a neutral experience and often ask, “Oh? You’re done already?” That said sometimes there is a quick sting, or sharp sensation, all of which are over within seconds. During the longer treatment (Myer’s cocktail) I’m checking in with patients to make sure they are comfortable and safe.

6. How long does a typical injection therapy session take?

B12 and B complex - These injections take just a couple seconds to inject and are done in a 5 minute appointment which includes a brief check in.

Musculoskeletal Repair - These injections are done at several discrete locations over the pain zone and can take 2-5 minutes. These are done in a 15 minute appointment which includes a thorough check in, a relevant physical exam, and an assessment of improvements in range of motion, function, and comfort.

Myer’s Cocktail - This intravenous treatment is done as an IV drip and the patient can expect to be in the office for 45 minutes including the time it takes to connect and disconnect the line.

7. What can I expect after my injection therapy session?

Nutrient Injections: more energy, better focus, improved immune function, hormonal balance, calmer nervous system, better stress tolerance, improved metabolism and digestive function.

Musculoskeletal Repair Injections: less pain, more comfort, better range of motion, restored function to muscles, joints, ligaments and tendons.

Usually these patients have been seeing other therapists for years. After starting these injections therapies finally those other practitioners will start to comment: “Wow, the adjustments are finally holding,” or “Your range of motion is finally improving,” or “The quality of your tissues is softening, elasticity is returning.”

8. Are there any potential side effects or risks associated with injection therapies?

Bruising, phlebitis, burning sensation at injection site, low blood pressure lightheadedness or syncope, nausea, warming sensation (due to magnesium in Myer’s cocktail).

9. How many sessions of injection therapy may be required to achieve the desired results?

It’s different for everyone.

I usually suggest 3 Myer’s IV treatments every 2 weeks at first.

I’ll often suggest weekly B12 or BComplex injections for 3-4 weeks.

More are possible and often encouraged.

For musculoskeletal repair I suggest 4 before re-assessing and often complete a course of 8 treatments, ideally weekly.

10. Is injection therapy covered by insurance?

It is a naturopathic medical treatment and covered for those who have naturopathic coverage on their extended health plan. Otherwise like any naturopathic treatment it’s out of pocket.

11. Can injection therapies be used in conjunction with other naturopathic treatments or conventional medicine?

Yes to both and all. It’s a great compliment to other therapies of any kind.

12. Are there any dietary or lifestyle recommendations that should be followed alongside injection therapies?

Yes… ideally the person is working on improving their diet and lifestyle during injection therapies to increase nutrient repletion, nourishment, cleansing and healing.

13. How do I prepare for me injection therapy appointment?

Come HYDRATED, wearing lose clothing.

14. Are there any contraindications or precautions that individuals should be aware of before considering injection therapies?

Fear of needles or treatment, allergy to remedies or nutrients. For the most invasive injection (the Myer’s cocktail) kidney and liver function must be adequate and this is all covered in the initial screening consultation.

15. Are there any specific post-treatment care instructions that patients should follow?

💦Drink lots of water: ½ body weight (in pounds) in ounces.

⚠️💪No heavy lifting on injection side.

🛌Any other supportive therapies such as rest, gentle stretching, adequate sleep will always be helpful.


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